Workshop „The Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance“

Am 7. und 8. Juni 2018 findet am Exzellenzcluster „Normative Ordnungen“ ein von Felix Anderl, Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Viktor Kempf, Jannik Pfister und Philip Wallmeier organisierter Workshop zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Widerstand in Zeiten der Transnationalisierung statt. Unter dem Titel „The Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance“ finden sich eine Reihe von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern zusammen, um drei verschiedene Typen von Widerstand jenseits des Nationalstaates zu diskutieren: Streit, Eskalation, und Ausstieg.

Die Vorträge im einzelnen (Programm als PDF):

7. Juni

Felix Anderl/ Christopher Daase/ Nicole Deitelhoff/ Viktor Kempf/ Jannik Pfister/ Philip Wallmeier (Frankfurt)
„The Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance: Contestation, Escalation, Exit“

Susan Park (Sydney)
“Contesting International Development by Advocating for Citizen Driven Accountability for the Multilateral Development Banks”

Ben Kamis & Martin Schmetz (Frankfurt)
“The last Refuge of the Scoundrel: Comparing Ecuadorian and Russian Harbouring of Whistleblowers in Light of International Civil Disobedience”

Anna Fünfgeld (Hamburg)
“Security, Justice, and Oligarchy: Struggles over Hegemony in Indonesia’s Energy Politics”

Felix Anderl, Nicole Deitelhoff, Regina Hack (Frankfurt)
“Divide and Rule? Contestation and Legitimation of the WTO”

Martha Crenshaw (Stanford)
“The Intersection of Rule and Resistance: Interactions among jihadist groups facing government pressure”

Lesley Wood (Toronto)
“Repression, Solidarity and Transnational Escalation”


8. Juni

Christopher Daase, Janusz Biene, Daniel Kaiser, Holger Marcks (Frankfurt)
“Escalation through Cooperation How Transnational Relations Affect Violent Dissidence”

Hank Johnston (San Diego)
“The Dialectics of Resistance and Rule in High-Capacity Authoritarian States”

Philip Wallmeier/Maik Fielitz (Frankfurt)
“Withdrawal as Radicalization. Making Sense of the 1960s Communes”

Rina Ramdev (New Delhi)
“Arundhati Roy and the Framing of a ‘Radicalized’ Dissent”

Ferdinand Stenglein (>Münster)
“Deserting with Ourselves: The Radical Pedagogy of the Commune”

Victor Kempf (Frankfurt)
“Exodus from the Political. Workerist Conceptions of Radical Resistance”


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