Associated Researchers
Lisa Katharin
a Bogerts is a research associate at the chair “International Relations and Theories of Global Orders”. She is managing editor of the academic journal “Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen” (zib) (Journal of International Relations). In her PhD project, she investigates how the visual constitutes practices of rule and resistance. Lisa is part of the DFG network „Understanding Visuality in Political Discourses – A Multidisciplinary Dialogue on Theories, Methodologies and Research Practices” (2/2016 - 11/2017). [Mail | more]
Maik Fielitz is PhD scholar at the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Formation of Normative Orders’. He studied political science, history and peace and conflict studies in Jena, Marburg and Athens. His PhD project is about radicalization processes in protests against large-scale construction projects in Europe. Besides that, he works on current developments in the European extreme right with special regard to Greece. [
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Regina Hack is a doctoral candidate at the professorship “International Relations and Theories of Global Orders” since April 2013. She studied Applied Literary and Cultural Studies, political science and journalism (B.A.) at the Technische Universität Dortmund and the University of Stirling and International Studies/ Peace and Conflict Research (M.A.) at the Goethe University Frankfurt and TU Darmstadt. Her PhD project is funded by the German National Academic Foundation; therein, she traces the development of dialogue forums for consultations with civil society actors at the WTO and the G7/8. Since these fora have been established in reaction to massive protests of the alter-globalization movement in international her project also focuses on the questions if and how these economic organizations interact with critical civil society actors. [
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Max Hoffmann is a PhD student of Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase. He studied Political Science, German Philology (M. A.) and Speech Communication at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau. In his PhD thesis he analyses the conditions and escalation mechanisms of terrorism with a focus on concepts of territoriality and target audiences of violence. [