Felix Anderl | Janusz Biene | Christopher Daase | Priska Daphi | Nicole Deitelhoff | Svenja Gertheiss | Stefanie Herr | Lena Jaschob | Julian Junk | Daniel Kaiser | Ben Kamis | Holger Marcks | Harald Müller | Jannik Pfister | Carsten Rauch | Thorsten Thiel |Philip Wallmeier | Klaus Dieter Wolf | Reinhard Wolf | Carmen Wunderlich | Iris Wurm | Jens Zimmermann
Felix Anderl is a research associate at the chair “International Relations and Theories of Global Orders”. He obtained degrees in Political Science and History (B.A.) from Freiburg University and „International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory“ (M.A.) from Jacobs University and the University of Bremen. He works in the DFG-funded research project on opposition and dissidence in the anti-globalization movement. In his PhD project, he analyzes the interactions between protest movements and international organizations. [Mail |
Janusz Biene worked from January 2013 until April 2015 as a researcher on the project “Resistance – Guerilla Warfare – Terrorism. Transnational Escalation Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence” within the chair for International Organizations at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since May 2015 he coordinates the BMBF-funded research project “
Salafism in Germany” (together with Julian Junk). In May 2016 he will return to Goethe University Frankfurt. [
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Christopher Daase holds the Chair for International Organization at Frankfurt University and is Director of the Research Department on “International Law and International Organizations“ at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). His research centers on the theories of international relations, international institutions, and security policy, especially the transformation of security culture and unconventional forms of political violence like guerrilla warfare and terrorism. He leads a German Research Foundation (DFG) project on “Transnational Escalation of Dissident Violence“ and directs a project on “The Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations“ together with Nicole Deitelhoff within the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders“, of which he is a member.[
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Priska Daphi is research associate at the chair “International Relations and Theories of Global Orders” since 2014. She directs the BMBF-funded project “
Protest and Memory: How Contemporary Protests in Germany Relate to the ‘long 1960s’ in West and East-Germany”. Furthermore, she works in the project “No Alternative? Social Protest in the Alter-Globalisation Movement between Opposition and Dissidence“ (funded by the German Research Foundation). Priska is spokesperson of the “Working Group on Social Movements” at the German Political Science Association. Her research interests include civil society, social movements and transnational activism. [
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Nicole Deitelhoff has held the chair for International Relations and Theories of Global Order since 2009 and leads a research group treating “Normativity in Contention: Norm Conflicts in Global Governance“ at the Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt (PRIF). Her research focuses on international institutions and norms, the foundations of political rule and its legitimation beyond the national state, and forms of international resistance, opposition, and dissidence. As a Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the Cluster of Excellence: The Formation of Normative Orders, she leads a research project on international dissidence and “The Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations” together with Christopher Daase. She also leads the project on “Social Protest in the Alter-Globalisation Movement”. [
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Svenja Gertheiss has been a research associate at PRIF’s research department “Private Actors in the Transnational Sphere” since autumn 2009. As part of the DFG funded research project “Rogue states, outlaws, and pariahs: Dissidence between delegitimization and justification” she has been working on a case study concerning “illegal” migration in industrial countries since October 2012. [
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Stefanie Herr has been a research associate at PRIF’s research department “Private Actors in the Transnational Sphere” since April 2010. As part of the DFG funded research project “Rogue states, outlaws, and pariahs: Dissidence between delegitimization and justification”, she is particularly concerned with the (de-)legitimization of national liberation movements. [
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Lena Jaschob has been a research associate since the beginning of 2013, working in the DFG research project “What frustrates the winners – Causes for the emergence of dissident great power politics” led by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wolf. Her work deals with the relationship between the German Empire and then-hegemon Great Britain, specifically asking whether “status” can be established as a category in the international system and what the effects of states striving for status are on bilateral relations. Further research interests are regulation in systems and discursive analyses of historical bilateral relations. [
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Julian Junk joined the working group “International Organizations” (Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase) and the Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders” in April 2010. Since January of 2013, he has been a research fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK) in the research department “International Organizations and International Law”. With the research group “International Dissidence”, he is working in the project “Resistance – Guerilla Warfare – Terrorism. Transnational Escalation Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence”. An edited volume with the title “Macht und Widerstand in der globalen Politik” ?Rule and Resistance in Global Politics? was published with Nomos Publishers in February 2013 (edited jointly with Christian Volk). [
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Daniel Kaiser has worked since January of 2013 as a Research Fellow on the DFG project “Transnational Escalation Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence” within the Chair for International Organizations at Goethe University Frankfurt. Daniel is currently working on a case study concerning transnational cooperation and its impact on the (de-)radicalization of anticolonial dissident movements in southern Africa, with a special emphasis on FRELIMO in Mozambique. [
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Ben Kamis has been a research associate under the chair of “International Relations and Theories of Global Order” since November 2012. His research on the conceptions of order, legitimacy and strategy of those who reject the totalizing order of international society contributes to the project “Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations” in the Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders”. His general research interests include the normativity, history and symbolic representations of international law and society. [
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Holger Marcks has been a research associate in the working group “International Organizations” at the Goethe University of Frankfurt since February of 2013. As part of the DFG-funded research project “Resistance – Guerilla Warfare – Terrorism. Transnational Escalation Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence,” he is particularly concerned with the transnational shaping of political violence in historical anarchism. [
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Harald Mueller holds the Chair for Political Sciences with the focus on Peace and Conflict Studies and International Relations at Goethe-University Frankfurt. He is Executive Director at the Leibniz Peace Research Institute Frankfurt where he is also head of the research department “Policies for Security Governance of States” and leads the German Research Foundation (DFG) project “Rogues States, Pariahs and Outlaws: Dissidence between Delegitimation and Justification“. His present research is focused on international security issues, notably arms control and disarmament, and on the theory of international relations. Harald Müller is Visiting Professor at the Center for International Relations at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna, Italy. He is Board Member of the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” at Frankfurt University. Furthermore Harald Müller is Vice-President of the EU Non-proliferation Consortium. [
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Jannik Pfister is a research associate at the professorship “International Relations and Theories of Global Orders” since November 2012. He contributes to the research project “Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations” within the Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders” with his research on the transnationalisation of protest policing during the past 20 years. His research interests include protest and social control, international police and security cooperation and the transformation of sovereignty. [
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Carsten Rauch is a research associate in the project “Rising, successful, dissatisfied - On the conditions of great power dissidence” (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wolf) at Goethe University Frankfurt since January 2013. He is also a research associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) in the research department “Policies for Security Governance of States”. His work in the project centers on the development of revisionism and dissidence of the German Reich in the interwar period. His further research interests include theories of international relations, world order governance and power transitions in the international system. [
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Thorsten Thiel is a research group leader at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Connected Society (Social Science Center Berlin,
WZB) since December 2017. He has been coordinator of the Leibniz Research Network “Crises in a Globalized World” as well as a post-doctoral fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt since April 2013. From 2010 to mid-2013 he has been a research fellow (postdoc) at the cluster of excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” (Frankfurt). In the Dissidence project he is working on the politicization of international politics and arising key questions of normative democratic theory. His research interests include International Political Theory and Democratic Theory and he contributes to the research project “Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations”. Please find current information about his research and teaching on
Philip Wallmeier is a research associate under the chair of international organizations since September 2013. In his research he unravels the connection between withdrawal and resistance by reconstructing the transnationally connected praxis of (rural) communards since the 1960s. With his research he contributes to the project “Transnationalization of Rule and Resistance in International Relations” of the Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders”. His general research interests include forms of resistance, social movements, international political sociology and the theory of social sciences. [
Klaus Dieter Wolf holds the Chair for International Relations at Technische Universität Darmstadt. He is Deputy Director at the Leibniz Peace Research Institute Frankfurt where he is also head of the department “Private Actors in the Transnational Sphere”. His present research is focused on the interplay between private self-regulation and public regulation in global governance. He leads the German Research Foundation (DFG) project “Rogues States, Pariahs and Outlaws: Dissidence between Delegitimation and Justification“ and directs the project „The Legitimation of Non-State Regulation in Interconnected Normative Orders“ within the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”. Klaus Dieter Wolf is member of the Cluster’s Board of Directors and also Director of the Leibniz Research Network “Crises in a Globalized World”. [
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Reinhard Wolf teaches international relations at the Department of Political Science, Goethe University, Frankfurt, where he holds the chair in International Relations and World Order Issues. He has co-edited the Handbook of German Foreign Policy (Handbuch zur deutschen Außenpolitik) and has published in journals such as Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, International Theory, and Security Studies. His current research focuses on problems of respect and status between nations. [
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Carmen Wunderlich is a research associate and PhD student at PRIF’s research department “Policies for Security Governance of States”. As part of the DFG funded research project “Rogue states, outlaws, and pariahs: Dissidence between delegitimization and justification”, she is particularly concerned with the apparently arbitrary stigmatization of so-called “rogue states” in the field of security policies. Her main research interests are further critical norm research as well as arms control and disarmament policies, with a focus on Sweden and Iran. [
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